The Fine Art of China Painting

Porcelain painting, not to be confused with ceramics, is a fine art that has been around for thousands of years. Painting on porcelain pieces of white or ivory color with powered paints that are mixed with mineral oil to the consistancy of tooth paste are applied one layer at a time after each firing in a kiln.
China painting is the sister to watercolors - starting with your lightest to darkest. If you are interested in learning this ancient dying art contact us at wetpaintstudiosofwalden@ We would love to share our knowledge and fellowship with any one interested in this fine art.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tis The Season For Big Thicket's Christmas Party and Annual Mystery Auction!

.  By Artist and Teacher Lois Blackburne
We welcomed  a wonderful, fun group of red hatters, personal guests and artists to our annual Christmas party and mystery auction at Pappadoux .  Charles Willis, Minister led us in a hilarious Christmas trivia  game before our luncheon prayer. Returning auctioneer - John Schmit - conducted our record breaking auction.  Jan handled our sale table that was laden with painted necklaces and exquisite cups and saucers painted by our members.  Our fund raiser broke all previous records for several years.
  We all enjoyed the fellowship, celebrating the season, laughter and beautifully decorated tables.  Jan and Marilyn did an outstanding job with decorating.  Thanks Lois for your donated painted tankard for the special auction.  Thanks Marilyn for your special donated painted chocolate box.  There were many door prizes - mug exchange and a great time was had by all. 
Thank You to all of our Big Thicket PAC members for all of your hard word, time and smiling faces!

Welcome Red Hatters.  Thanks for adding to the fun!

Lois and Helen enjoying the festivities.


Enjoying our Mystery Auction.

 Helen and Husband Ken, who is gracious enough to attend all of our Christmas functions.  Hats off to Ken.

No that is not a shine on Jan and Lois' noses but butter - silly girls.

 President Marilyn Willis and her beautiful daughter, Kathy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Janet, you are doing a fantastic job, thanks for all the hard work, this will serve as a memory book for us all in the years to come. Merry Christmas to Big Thicket and to all the china painters all over the world! Hugs, Jan

