The Fine Art of China Painting

Porcelain painting, not to be confused with ceramics, is a fine art that has been around for thousands of years. Painting on porcelain pieces of white or ivory color with powered paints that are mixed with mineral oil to the consistancy of tooth paste are applied one layer at a time after each firing in a kiln.
China painting is the sister to watercolors - starting with your lightest to darkest. If you are interested in learning this ancient dying art contact us at wetpaintstudiosofwalden@ We would love to share our knowledge and fellowship with any one interested in this fine art.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Portriat of Sara on Porcelain

Portrait  of Sara by Lois Blackburne

Oil on Canvas By Lois Blackburne


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June Officers and Members Lunch at Vintage Tea Room

Out Going President Marilyn Willis

Time to get back into the swing of things.  We weren't able to attend the convention in April but all have plans and hope to attend next year's in Austin.
 Our May meeting was held by newly installed president Janet Wartenburg at the Conroe Library.  Meetings are still the fourth Thursday of each month.  Arrive at 9:30 for Social with meeting starting at 10:00.  Bring a lunch and come join us.  We would love to introduce you to the fine art of China painting!
We had our June meeting at the Vintage Tea Room in Old Town Montgomery.  A lunch of quaint dishes from the menu and flavored teas were enjoyed by all.  Lois presented Marilyn with her History Book. A great job and lot of work by all. It is a  beautiful History Book and wonderful treasure that Marilyn will enjoy always.
Marilyn read an adorable poem written by Marilyn (Longfellow) Willis and then presented Janet with the president's gavel.  I am, as president - looking forward to the coming year, and delighted that I will be working with such a fun and talented group of ladies.

Stunning vase painted by Teacher-Member Lois Blackburne.  Can't you just smell the roses and how about plucking off a ripe juicy grape!

Lois glancing over the menu.

Jan has decided what she will be having.

Carol Fisk posing.

Marilyn reading a  delightful poem she composed  for the occasion.

Lois presenting Marilyn with her History Book!

Jan presents our out going President with a gift from the club.  Great Job Marilyn!

Marilyn presents Janet with the president's Gavel.

Jan and Janet...hummmm wonder what they are up to.

May Meeting - The Big Thicket PAC

Third fire and many more to go.

Cup and saucer by Janet Wartenburg

Vase by Helen Turner and Sara by Lois Blackburne

Project from paint along still under way by Lois Blackburne