The Fine Art of China Painting

Porcelain painting, not to be confused with ceramics, is a fine art that has been around for thousands of years. Painting on porcelain pieces of white or ivory color with powered paints that are mixed with mineral oil to the consistancy of tooth paste are applied one layer at a time after each firing in a kiln.
China painting is the sister to watercolors - starting with your lightest to darkest. If you are interested in learning this ancient dying art contact us at wetpaintstudiosofwalden@ We would love to share our knowledge and fellowship with any one interested in this fine art.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

February Meeting - Big Thicket Porcelain Art Club

 We did not have a meeting in January due to the weather but the same weather did not stop us in February.  Our February 26 meeting was held on a cold, rainy, fierce windy morning at the home of Jan Wamsley.  We were snug and warm in her lovely home and enjoyed a regular meeting, and a fantastic seminar by teacher Lois Blackburne on sweetheart roses and pearls. The rain pelting against the windows sounded as if we were
tossing our freshly painted pearls at the panes of glass.  A wonderful luncheon had been prepared by Jan and Marilyn, whilst the beautiful table was laden with valentine motifs and 2 surprise gifts for each of us from our president Marilyn.  Carol Fisk was a delightful guest and we hope she continues her journey and passion for painting with us.

Artist's Displays


            Lois's  Beautiful Sweetheart Roses and Pearls  set beside Marilyn's  Lovely Irises            

                                             Teacher Lois Blackburne starts her seminar



                                                 Example Tile of Roses and Pearls

Lois' Beautiful Roses and Pearls

                                                               Lunch Anyone?

                                               President Marilyn Willis

                                                         Delightful Guest Carol Fisk

                          Our Gracious Hostess Jan Wamsley
                                                 Thanks Jan!

                                               March Ice