The Fine Art of China Painting

Porcelain painting, not to be confused with ceramics, is a fine art that has been around for thousands of years. Painting on porcelain pieces of white or ivory color with powered paints that are mixed with mineral oil to the consistancy of tooth paste are applied one layer at a time after each firing in a kiln.
China painting is the sister to watercolors - starting with your lightest to darkest. If you are interested in learning this ancient dying art contact us at wetpaintstudiosofwalden@ We would love to share our knowledge and fellowship with any one interested in this fine art.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


                     First Place Winning Porcelain Portrait 


Congratulations Lois Blackburne!  Lois received First Place in the Porcelain Division for her Portrait of "SARAH"- her beautiful granddaughter.  She also received First Place for her Pastel Portrait.  Lois is a cherished member of Big Thicket PAC and teaches at Blackburne Academy of Fine Arts in Conroe.  Job well done!  We are so pleased and thrilled to be able to share her magnificent pieces with you.

First Place Pastel
Artist Lois Blackburne

1 comment:

  1. So very proud of you! Love the Portrait of Sarah....
